yo, that's wack if i'm not the baddest

profile * old * mail * fucking sign it* or how about a nice note? you go forward / i'll go backwards

what if i started sleeping around, what would think then. what would you do if i always talked in a british accent like i do when we get coffee, would you still hold my hand in public? what if i smelled like cunt and stopped brushing my hair, would you still want to fuck me? and if i dont wear makeup, if i only listen to easy listening, if i makeout with your friends in front of you, if i wear tight clothes around your father, if i gain 50 pounds, if i dont talk trash on the phone, if i cry all the time, if i want your sister, if i never give you head, if i talk like a trucker, if i fuck a trucker, if i become a trucker, if i pretend like your dick is detatched from your body every time i touch it, if i make you sleep on the couch, if i steal your stuff, will you still call me, want me, talk about me with your best friend?
