yo, that's wack if i'm not the baddest

profile * old * mail * fucking sign it* or how about a nice note? you go forward / i'll go backwards

markos claims to have been very close to being on 'the real world'. he says he was chosen as a finalist but "declined mtv". my cousin and i shriek and the thought and touch the arms of the very nice suit he's wearing to the wedding. he has a nice smile, very square teeth and small gums. his canines overlap slightly. when he laughs his whole face pulls back into tight layers. he looks like a politician, the type of man your parents would like you to marry. he might fuck other women on the side, but youre driving a mercedes and your kids never have to worry about college. markos shakes hands with everyone he meets, like he's trying to sell something. he's selling himself. i dont understand why. his hands are massive by anyone's standards and they engulf everyone elses. i think about telling him the 'you might be retarded if your hand is bigger than your face' joke but decide against it.

he visited me at work yesterday. he requested 'a knights tale' on dvd. he signed his name, just the way my grandmother would. i asked him to coffee. we went out this morning. somewhere between the cappuchino and lunchtime we ended up making out, me unbuttoning his pants and giving him head. being frightened. going home. crying. calling harper. jeremy. michael. heidi. rachael.

he came over tonight. we chattered, decided to be friends. made out, had sex. ha ha. now i'm paranoid that i'm pregnant again. please no. please no.
