yo, that's wack if i'm not the baddest

profile * old * mail * fucking sign it* or how about a nice note? you go forward / i'll go backwards

our road was just paved yesterday. the temperature was in the ninties, i ran faster than i ever had in my life. its downhill from my house, past people i've known for seventeen years, past construction workers and that thick smell of tar. i ran until my sides ached and i felt like the blood in the back of my throat would come up and then i took off my shoes and burned my feet on the glowing black substance and felt the oil seeping through my soles and into my veins. the scrape of massive machines, the screech of rocks hitting the roller, the hollering of road workers speaking of their wives or kids or the girl with no shoes losing it. some days you want to X out everything bad you've done, you want to call every person youve ever hated and appologize for not being willing to let them into your life, call exboyfriends and be honest for once in your life. no one has worn it down, no dead animals have been ground into and today she wouldnt let the rain in, surface tension gathered and painted rainbows. if i ever loved you, i still do so dont bother asking.
