yo, that's wack if i'm not the baddest

profile * old * mail * fucking sign it* or how about a nice note? you go forward / i'll go backwards

i was a ghost for a short time. the paramedic was looking for a pulse and there was none to be found. i had drank enough for five, a quarter of a handle of captain morgan. the depression had gotten to me and i'd slashed my arms in the frenzy. i was puking and wishing for death, my friend holding me, momentarily leaving the room as i was half passed out. i flew up from the bed, like a corpse white and legs limp, locked the door and taken scissors to pale white arms, pills that promised immediate realease. then the door snapped open, everyone was there- police, paramedics, RAs, RDs. i was screaming the most obscene of words at everyone of them, a prayer that they would just leave me, covered in my own blood and vomit. but they couldnt leave me and i knew this, so cussing and handcuffed i was dragged to the elevator into the snow, swallowing mucus, just screaming and screaming. i sat in a padded room, eyes dialated, waiting for them to determine how sane i was. then they let me go, out into a foot of snow in a taxicab. the night before had been almost as insane, a body on top of mine, my drunken orgasm voice telling lies at top volume. cum on my arm and a strangers saliva lingering at the back of my throat. sex is easy to come by, if you know where to look.
