yo, that's wack if i'm not the baddest

profile * old * mail * fucking sign it* or how about a nice note? you go forward / i'll go backwards

I want to run my hands over his stomach again and kiss him so slowly it makes my body shake. I�d love to see his face when I tell him the things I�ve done and the things I will do. I've been thinking i'll tell him the whole story. i've always been scared to tell the truth because i never felt it was worthwhile.

there's a bruise in the shape of a handprint on my right forearm, i'm thinking about what it would feel like to run away. my thoughts are switching trains quickly and i'm remembering this winter when i got real drunk and ran through the woods in northern maine crying with an empty liquor bottle, hit myself over the head with it and passed out with snow falling. when i woke up i shook the snow from my hair like a thousand stars in the moonlight. i remember being so fucked about death, wanting to laugh about it so badly. speeding on the ice after having taken eight or so tylenol pm, the windshield wipers going so fast it blurred my vision. i wanted someone to catch me, help me, but no one did so i went back to my dorm room and fell asleep for a few days.

the truth is that no one will save you. you have to save yourself. whatever it is you're into, be it fucking random guys, cutting yourself, taking too many drugs, stealing, speeding, cheating, lying, you have to stop yourself. they're all my obsessions, they course through me hard. no one ever thinks their kid is the bad kid, oh but i know i am. what kills me about the addiction is that it was my choice. maybe thats what gets me about life in general, all those mistakes and sleepless nights are yours and yours alone. you are what you made yourself and its sickening, because what am i? i'm not in the mood to think about it. none of this can be real, its overproduced and i do believe the set is being deconstructed tomorrow.
